Name: Isle of Wight Bus and Rail Users’ Group
Line Covered: All lines and routes on the Isle of Wight
Meetings: Monthly
Annual Subscription: £2 (individuals), £5 (corporate/groups)
Website: https://e-voice.org.uk/iwbusrailusers
Contact: Use contact box on websiteÂ
Name: Lymington-Brockenhurst Line (Friends of)
Line Covered: Lymington - Brockenhurst branch
Newsletter: Occasional. News also provided on Facebook page
Annual Subscription: £3
Website:Â http://www.lymington-brockenhurstcrp.co.uk/Friends_of_27116.aspx
Contact: solentcrpbobby@gmail.com OR use contact box on websiteÂ
Name: Salisbury-Exeter Rail Users' Group (SERUG)
Line Covered:Â Salisbury to Exeter Central
Newsletter: Typically 3 per year
Annual Subscription: £6
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/serug
Contact: contact@serug.co.uk​